What is HTML5?
HTML stand for Hyper Text Markup Language,
It is easy and fun to learn.
dhtml introduction
HTML describes the structure of web pages.
HTML5 is the fifth and current major version of the HTML standard.
dhtml introduction
Why Learn HTML?
It is essential to learn HTML if you want to build web sites. You can’s build one if you don’t one of the prerequisite states in learning other languages used for web development
html tags list with example pdf
Try it yourself
For you to learn faster and see how our examples would actually look like similarly on al real browser we have implemented simple
Try it Your self
html tags list with example pdf
Editor with syntax with the example codes given.
html web pages examples with source code
Input type
Example Eexplained
<!DO type html> This declares the document type which is HTML 5
html web pages examples with source code
<html>: this element encloses everything inside it includes tags. Elements. Style sheets. Scripts, text, multimedia and a lot more
<head>; this element encloses the metadata of a document which will not be displayed on the main content of a web page; this could include style sheets. Scripts.
<title>; <meta> ; tags and a lot more
<title>; This element defines the of a web page. It appears on the upper-part of a browser
<body>; this element encloses elements like <h1>;<p>; <img>; <b> ; <i> and a lot more
<h1>; this element defines a heading
<P> ; this element defines a paragraph
HTML Tags are element names surrounded by angle brackets.
We start and tags. Look at the example below.
Input Types
Output types
Start Tag and End tag
Ø Start tage-also called “opening a tag” <p>
Ø End tag - also called “ ending a tag” </p>
This is the basic structure of any HTML . page Memorize them!
HTML Editors
Where can I edit/ create HTML files?
In a text editor! Creating HTML files is free your don’t need to download expensive applications to do so .html web pages examples with source code
· Look at the list below for some free apps You could use to edit HTML files.
· Notepad
Notepad | Online Notes free, no login required - RapidTables
· Notepad++
· Text Edit
· Sublime Text Editor
· Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined
· Brackets
· Quoda (Android App)
Quoda Code Editor – Apps on Google Play
· Quick Edit (Android app)
· Droid Edit (Android app)
· HTML Edit (Android app)
· Decoder (Android app)
· This app ! We have a micro code –editor with syntax highlighting and can sae and open HTML files.
Those are the most commonly used text deitor for creating html files. You can download any application you want.
Saving HTML files
You need to save your HTML files with the . html file extension for Example.
If you don’t saveyour files with the .html. file extension, You won’t be able to run it on browsers.html web pages examples with source code
Lets try it by following these steps;
1. Click the TRY IT YOURSELF button above.
html web pages examples with source code
2. Click the menu icon on the upper -right corner .
3. Click SAVE AS.
4. Type mywebpage.html on the provided field.
5. Click SAVE.
Just as easy as that, you HTML file is saved.
dhtml introduction
dhtml coding
dhtml in web technology
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html tags list with example pdf
html web pages examples with source code
html tags and attri
w3schbutesools html tags.
html code for website
HTML reference - W3school.