Showing posts with label computer short cut key. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer short cut key. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 4, 2021 

Introduction to computer

The d word computer is derived from the word computer, which  means calculation. Then  In  colloquial language it is considered as a calculating device that can do arithmetic and lo1 Types of computer

gical operations with speed, but today  and


logical with compute is not limited to calculation today it is used  for

Changes into information and presents the output  resulted it accepts stores and manipulates data according to our need.

1 Types of computer


Characteristics of computer   and likely to be defined or tell the capability of compute .



Computers. Can carry out  instructions in less than a millionth of a second  .

As you  know computers can we our very fast., 1 Types of computer In  takes only few second for calculations that we take hours to  instructions and even more per second.


Computers can do the do the calculations without errors and d very accurately.

2 computer full form


 The de grief accuracy of computer is very high and every calculations is performed with the same accuracy. The errors in computer are due to    human and l inaccurate  data.



Computers are capable of performing any task given to them repetitively.

2 computer full form


A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, weakness, etc. It can work for hours without creating any error. If millions of calculations are   to be  performed

Due to this capability it of very power res human beinginro8utiene type of work 


The objective the chapter to know about what is computer,

 Types of computer, history of computer ,Generation of computer, Applications o f computer,

 input/output  device., storage devices. Hardware and software,

 Languages, basic  

3 computer basics

 operations, Multimedia and Entertainment.

v   Computer& Latest IT gadgets

You have already experiences the impact  of computers in out day to –day life.

Reservation of tickets in Air lines and Railways, Payment   of telephone and electricity bills,


Types of  computer

3 computer basics


1 . Analog  Computer

Analog  computer; Computer s are  used  mostly in  S Medical Sciences This very kind of computer work on continuous data values, for e.g.

Digital computer.

Digital computes are the most commonly usesd computer on la digital technique which is widely used and prefer now days this

4  components of computer

 l kind of computer user micro 

4  components of computer


Processor  Technology Which h is quite digital and  execute million of instruction   within a second, This also come s  under kind of  categories  as we   can see downwards.

Micro Computer

The processor is very small so the y t  called Micro Processor and device is called Micro Computer

6 computer hardware inventions


Mini Computer

The processor of mini is small buyt larger than Micro Processor. Mini computer is  multi  user device generally used in  designing company  for commercial use.


It has larger

7Desktop computer

processor and multiuser device. Number of  users  in more than

6 computer hardware inventions

 Mini computer. This is multiuser and multitasking  device mostly   used in Metrology .

Super computer

The processor is biggest than other  computer and processing capacity is highs than other devices. It is multi user fastest calculating device.

7Desktop computer

India’s Firs Super computer is PARAMn1000

Computer of Generation

First  Generation…(1945-1954)

Second Generation…(1955-1964)

Third Generation…(1965-1974)

Fourth Generation….(1975-Till Date

1 Types of computer

2 computer full form

3 computer basics

4  components of computer

5 Introduction to computer (PDF)

6 computer hardware inventions

7Desktop computer

8   10 definitions of computer

9 computer Wikipedia

10.  uses  of computer

11. what is computer system

12.   What is computer short answer

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Keyboard and Mouse shortcuts

Keyboard and Mouse shortcuts


Landscape ……It is a printing from under  page layout; it used to print sideqays on the page.

Menu ….. A list of program commands  listed by topic. keyboard and mouse shortcuts for mac

Menu bar …A horizontal bar across the top of the scrren. shortcut key for hp laptop touchpad





Mother Board … the green boars insided of a computer that allows all  of the iternal computer components to interact, It routes data to and from all the other parts, of computer.

NIC…. Network Interface Cars. This is a part of the computer that allwes it to talk to other computers (aks. a network ) raid a network “protocol” or language like type/ip. keyboard shortcuts mouse wheel

OPTICAL DISK….A high-capacity storage medium that is read by a laser light. keyboard shortcut mouse move

OPERATING SYSTEM….It is system software that controls the computer. The operating systems are Window 98.Windows XP , Windows Vista, Linux, Unix, and  apple’s Mac OS X leopard.

PERIPHERALS… An add – on component to your computer like printers, mice, keyboards. Scanners, monitor, etc. keyboard shortcut mouse pointer

PROCESSOR CHIP …  This is the ban of the computer which does all there calculation s and tyask processing fore exaple’ILntel”chip

RAM… Random

Access Memoryu. It is the memory that allows uyou to hold and run a pr9ogram.

REste switch … It is switc used to restarts the computer.


ROM readOnly Memory that can be accessed and read, buyt not written to.;

SCROLL BAR….A bar at the bottom contains the scroll box and allows scrolling.

RESET SWITCH ….It is switch used to restarts the computer. 

ROM…. Read Only Memory that can be accessed and read, but not written to.

SERVER … A machine dedicated to sending and receiving data from other computer (on a network).

SOFTWARE ……Software is files that contain instructions b for a computer.

TCP/IP….Transmissinon control Protocol and Interne Protocol on which the internet run.

TITLE BAR …. The horizontal bar at the top of a window which the intyernet runkeyboard shortcuts mouse padv



Friday, July 9, 2021

word processing information word wrap

1.. लिब्री ऑफ़िस रायटर और माइक्रो माइक्रोफ़ैल्स क्रिया विज्ञान में परस्पर 

word processing information

It is the word processor application for  LibreOffice. It is similar to programs such as Microsoft Word, AbiWord, Jarte Word Processor, etc. Writer allows you to create anything from letter ro complex documents with embedded illustrations and bibliographies. Aut spell checking and auto -spell checking and auto -make word processing much more convenient. Unlike Microsoft Word, Writer mostly detects spelling errors and fails to detect syntactical errors. based word

microsoft word and word processing comparison 

Libreoffice performs remarkably well. The key differences between Microsoft office and libreoffice are the user interface and quality of the services. As you can see both  the window Libreoffice Writer and ms word. You will find that both window are similar in appearance as you can see the in the window given below..

word wrap objectives 

The primarey objective of word processing is to enable you , the students, to create and edit documents. This is the word processing component, and it allows uyou to type whatever ou want and save it to view or edit later. These saeed filles can also be sent to another person, who  word processing software. 

word processing software word processing Basics 

The ribbon User Interface in Microsoft office makes it easier to navigate through the features. on the other hand, libreoffice' appearance is more archaic and resembles 

personal computers

 word processor


based word

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

computer short cut key 2020


short cut key


creat  the New document


open the existing Document


save the current document


save as


Print Preview


print the current document

ctrl+w and alt+f4

close or Exit the current document



Home Tab










paste special


format  painter (copu the formatting

ctrl+shift+ v

fprmat painter


font style of face

ctrl+dhift+  p


ctrl+shift+> and ctrl+ }

increase the font size  and Grow font

ctrl+shift + < and ctrl+ {

Decrease the font size  and  Shrink font







ctrl+shift +    d

douvle Underline

ctrl+shift +W

Word wise underline

ctrl+shift ++


ctrl+shift+   =


shift +f3

change case


Apply the upper case


Apply the small caps formaatting

ctrl+shift +*

Paragraph Mark


Left Alignment


Right Alignment


center Alignment


Justify Alignment


One line space between lines

ctrl+ 5

1.5 line space between lines

ctrl+ 2

Two line space between  lines

ctrl+ 0

Add or remove line space between lines


Increase the naragranh indent

ctrl+shift +M

Decrease the paragraph indent


Find the Text


replace the text

Alt +  ctrl + Y

Repeat  find (afte closing find and replace window



ctrl +A

Select all

shift+Left of Right arrow key

select the one character

shift +Up of Down arrow key

select one line

ctrl +shift +Lift  or Right  arrow key

select the one word

ctrl +shift +UP or Down arrow key

select the Paragraph


Define a new Multilevel List

ctrl +D






Alt +ctrl +shift (Right) +S

O[em the formatting pane




Computer help

नोटबंदी 2023: लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले एक और 'नोटबंदी', 2000 के नोट सर्कुलेशन से बाहर

नोटबंदी 2023: लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले एक और 'नोटबंदी', 2000 के नोट सर्कुलेशन से बाहर     नियामक : अधिकारी का कहना है कि लोगों को घबराहट...