Landscape ……It is a printing from under page layout; it used to print sideqays on the page.
Menu ….. A list of program commands listed by topic. keyboard and mouse shortcuts for mac
Menu bar …A horizontal bar across the top of the scrren. shortcut key for hp laptop touchpad
Mother Board … the green boars insided of a computer that allows all of the iternal computer components to interact, It routes data to and from all the other parts, of computer.
NIC…. Network Interface Cars. This is a part of the computer that allwes it to talk to other computers (aks. a network ) raid a network “protocol” or language like type/ip. keyboard shortcuts mouse wheel
OPTICAL DISK….A high-capacity storage medium that is read by a laser light. keyboard shortcut mouse move
OPERATING SYSTEM….It is system software that controls the computer. The operating systems are Window 98.Windows XP , Windows Vista, Linux, Unix, and apple’s Mac OS X leopard.
PERIPHERALS… An add – on component to your computer like printers, mice, keyboards. Scanners, monitor, etc. keyboard shortcut mouse pointer
PROCESSOR CHIP … This is the ban of the computer which does all there calculation s and tyask processing fore exaple’ILntel”chip
RAM… Random
Access Memoryu. It is the memory that allows uyou to hold and run a pr9ogram.
REste switch … It is switc used to restarts the computer.
ROM… readOnly Memory that can be accessed and read, buyt not written to.;
SCROLL BAR….A bar at the bottom contains the scroll box and allows scrolling.
RESET SWITCH ….It is switch used to restarts the computer.
ROM…. Read Only Memory that can be accessed and read, but not written to.
SERVER … A machine dedicated to sending and receiving data from other computer (on a network).
SOFTWARE ……Software is files that contain instructions b for a computer.
TCP/IP….Transmissinon control Protocol and Interne Protocol on which the internet run.
TITLE BAR …. The horizontal bar at the top of a window which the intyernet runkeyboard shortcuts mouse padv
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