Showing posts with label Social Networking & E- Governance Services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Networking & E- Governance Services. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 4, 2021 

Introduction to computer

The d word computer is derived from the word computer, which  means calculation. Then  In  colloquial language it is considered as a calculating device that can do arithmetic and lo1 Types of computer

gical operations with speed, but today  and


logical with compute is not limited to calculation today it is used  for

Changes into information and presents the output  resulted it accepts stores and manipulates data according to our need.

1 Types of computer


Characteristics of computer   and likely to be defined or tell the capability of compute .



Computers. Can carry out  instructions in less than a millionth of a second  .

As you  know computers can we our very fast., 1 Types of computer In  takes only few second for calculations that we take hours to  instructions and even more per second.


Computers can do the do the calculations without errors and d very accurately.

2 computer full form


 The de grief accuracy of computer is very high and every calculations is performed with the same accuracy. The errors in computer are due to    human and l inaccurate  data.



Computers are capable of performing any task given to them repetitively.

2 computer full form


A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, weakness, etc. It can work for hours without creating any error. If millions of calculations are   to be  performed

Due to this capability it of very power res human beinginro8utiene type of work 


The objective the chapter to know about what is computer,

 Types of computer, history of computer ,Generation of computer, Applications o f computer,

 input/output  device., storage devices. Hardware and software,

 Languages, basic  

3 computer basics

 operations, Multimedia and Entertainment.

v   Computer& Latest IT gadgets

You have already experiences the impact  of computers in out day to –day life.

Reservation of tickets in Air lines and Railways, Payment   of telephone and electricity bills,


Types of  computer

3 computer basics


1 . Analog  Computer

Analog  computer; Computer s are  used  mostly in  S Medical Sciences This very kind of computer work on continuous data values, for e.g.

Digital computer.

Digital computes are the most commonly usesd computer on la digital technique which is widely used and prefer now days this

4  components of computer

 l kind of computer user micro 

4  components of computer


Processor  Technology Which h is quite digital and  execute million of instruction   within a second, This also come s  under kind of  categories  as we   can see downwards.

Micro Computer

The processor is very small so the y t  called Micro Processor and device is called Micro Computer

6 computer hardware inventions


Mini Computer

The processor of mini is small buyt larger than Micro Processor. Mini computer is  multi  user device generally used in  designing company  for commercial use.


It has larger

7Desktop computer

processor and multiuser device. Number of  users  in more than

6 computer hardware inventions

 Mini computer. This is multiuser and multitasking  device mostly   used in Metrology .

Super computer

The processor is biggest than other  computer and processing capacity is highs than other devices. It is multi user fastest calculating device.

7Desktop computer

India’s Firs Super computer is PARAMn1000

Computer of Generation

First  Generation…(1945-1954)

Second Generation…(1955-1964)

Third Generation…(1965-1974)

Fourth Generation….(1975-Till Date

1 Types of computer

2 computer full form

3 computer basics

4  components of computer

5 Introduction to computer (PDF)

6 computer hardware inventions

7Desktop computer

8   10 definitions of computer

9 computer Wikipedia

10.  uses  of computer

11. what is computer system

12.   What is computer short answer

Monday, July 26, 2021

Computer important Abbreviations

Computer important Abbreviations


Full form


ADE… Automatic Design Engineering


ADSI… Active Directory Service Interfaces

AJAX…. Asynchronous java Script And XML

ALGOLAlgorithmic language


ALU…. Arithmetic Ad logical Unit

BAR…. Base Address Register

BCD… Binary Coded Cecimal

BCR….Bar code reader

CAD computer Aided Desin

CAM…,. Computer Aided Manufacturing

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access

CDRW… compact Disc Rewritable



CDR/W….compact Disc Read/Writ

CGA… Colour Graphic Array

DB… Database

1 Computer Abbreviations  A to Z


DBA Database Administrator

DBMSDatabase management system

DCE…Data  Link Control

DDS Digital Data Storage



EGA…. Enhanced Graphics Array

FCSFrame Check Sequencew

FDC…Floppy Disk Drive Controller

FDD… Floppy Disk Drive



GDAGlobal Document Anknotatio

GDA..Global Document Assembly


 2 computer Abbreviations Full  Form

HHD Hybrid Hard Drive

HID…Human Interface Device

IPO….Input process output


IE Internet Explorer

IDT…. Internet Development Toolbox

JDS… Java Desktop System



KBPSkilobit per second

LAN…. Lkocal Area Network

LBP…… laser Beam Printer

Impartart computer abbreviations competitiv


LPT…..Line Printer

MB/MB…..Megabit Megabyte

MBR…. Master boot record

MIDP Mobile Information Devicer Profiles


MICR… Mobile Ink Character Recognition

MIDIMusic Instrument Digital Interface


NCS…Network Computing System

NFS….Network file System

OAM….Operation And Mainternce


OCR…. Optical Character Reader

ASP…Active Serves Page

ARPA….Advanced Research Agency Addressing


ASIC… Application Specific Integration Circuit

ASPApplication service Provider

ARP…Address Resolution Protocol


ATA… Advanced Technology Attachment 

BFD Binaryfile Descriptor

BMP…Bit map

BIOSBasic Inpute Output System


CAI….Computer Assisted (Aided )Instruction

CMOS…Complementary Metal Oxide 


CRT… Cathode Ray Tube

CTCPClient-to client Protoocal


CDComact DIs

CU…Central Unit

DNS Domain Name System



DOS….Disk oprating System

DPMI…Dos Protected Mode Interface

 4 computer Abbreviations: Full Forms of   computer Abbreviations 

DRAM …Dynamic Ram

DVDRW DVD Re writable

EIO..Electronic Id card

EASIElectronic All –In One System Interface 

FSF Free Software Foundation

GDI… Graphical Device Interface

GIFGraphics Interchange Format

GPU…Graphics Processing Unit

HTML.. hyper text markup language

 my web site full information

Computer Abbreviations


HTTP Hyper Text transfer protocol

HSTP High Speed Transport Protocol

IHV… Independent Hardware  Vender


ISDN…Integrated Services Digital Network

ISOInternational Organization For


IPInternet Protocol

ISP…Internet  service provider


JCP… Java Community prcess

Js… java script

JFC.. java Foundation Class

KPAKey Process Area

LBA Logical Block Address 

LCD ….Liquid Crystal Display

MNG…Multiple_Image Network Graphics

MPEG…..Motion Pictures (Coding )Experts Group

MMU…MEmoryManagement Unit

MMXMultimedia Extension

MPM…Multi_ Programming Monitor

MUI Multimedia User Interface


MIME…Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

NPI…. Network Provide Interface

OMR…OpticalMark Reader

My number  9621980974


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Computer help

नोटबंदी 2023: लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले एक और 'नोटबंदी', 2000 के नोट सर्कुलेशन से बाहर

नोटबंदी 2023: लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले एक और 'नोटबंदी', 2000 के नोट सर्कुलेशन से बाहर     नियामक : अधिकारी का कहना है कि लोगों को घबराहट...