Wednesday, December 9, 2020

E-mail, Social Networking & E- Governance Services

E-mail, Social Networking & E- Governance Services



Communication has been the vital tool in our daily life routine, Business, Education,

Research and   many  more.  Communication impacts a vital impression in any sector of life. Email, Social Networking, chats, blogs   and many more are key tools used in communication. Without effective communication,   Collaboration is not possible. You   can collaborate with your business partners through the internet.  The unity of student has increased   due to the formation of telecommunications and they have got the experience  of  working together. Student from all over the world are connected to each other through collaboration learning.  



The objective of this chapter to know about Basics  of E-mail, What is an Electronic Mail, Email  Addressing,  Configuring Email Client, Using Email client, Maibox: Inbox and  Outbox: Creating and Sending a new E-mail , Replying to an E-mail message, Forwarding an E-mail message , Sorting and Searching emails, advance email features, sending document by E-mail Activating Spell checking, Using Address  book  Sending
Softcopu as attachment, Handling  SPAM, Instant Messaging and collaboration, Using Smiley, Internet etiquettes.

Structure of E-mail


In a world where electronic mail has become an integral part of daily life, it is useful to gain understanding of various parts of and email address. Let’s dig a (email)provides us a way of sending messages at lightning fast speed. Although email is an integral part  od the modern day communication but Common man is still ignorant about a few facts on the all important: the Email Address.

Account – name @ domain


Domain name:  ....This part of the email address is the name of server that hosts your emails. It is not necessary that the domain name would always be of a .com  kind. It can be anything from the standard list of domain extension (e.g. .org, .net ,  .gov , .com .in etc.)  

E-mail company

(like Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! Mail etc.)

Account name (or username)


An email hosting server nay host emails for one person –or millions of persons. You can imagine your account like a pigeon-hole or letter box whose key only you have. This key is called ...password .Here youshould set your password to ve strong. Weak passwords can compromise security of your email account.

All email account names

Allthe email account names on a server have to be unique so that the server can send emails to various accounts without any confusion. Ther cannot be two accounts with the same name on a server. Therefore, two  are not possible. But  and  are possible.

Opening Email account

Step 1:click on the sing up Button

Step2: Enter all mandatory fields (First Name , Last Name Gender, etc.)


Step 3: Type in your desired Email Address out of our huge selection of 200 available domains (e.g.,,, etc. )


Step 4: Choose a secure Password(at least 8characters, mixing letters, numbers, lower and upper case, and using special characters)


Step 5: Select your Security Question , type in your Answer.


Step6: Verify your  registration by typing the number in the capuche  picture


Step7: Click the “Accept” Button  .

Google link.... 

Mailbox: Inbox and Outbox

Mailbox is the container which contains all the email sent &  received to a certain email account. It has a lotof folders which differentiate the email sent, received, junk, spam or deleted.


Inbox is the place where  all the  incoming emails are stored and can be accessed through. As the name implies of inbox, this be gave like the same. It lists the email received into a relational table sorted according to the date.



Outbox is place where all the sent data are store until it  is not  fully sent. THERE IS ALSO A SECTION NAMED Sent Mail which contains the list of fully delivered emails. Difference is only Outbox keeps the email which is pending to delivers and or not sent whereas Sent box keeps the list of fully delivered emails.


It is place where messages composed but not sent and even not queued to be sent In other words, whatever messages we compose we compose and save itis stored.


It is place where fake and span kind of mail which contain Virus , malware , spyware or do stealing data kind of activity, is stored. The email client application analyzes and sorts which to put in Inbox and which to junk.

Sent items

It is a place where delivered mails are listed.

Deleted Items

It is the place in Mailbox  where all the deleted emails are stored to which  you can reuse, send ,for ward of print, depends.

Creating and Sending a new Email


Steps have been descrivbed  above in Creating Mail Section: You can use the Gmail website to end email from a computer: 

Step 1: Go to https// /in your computer’s  web browser . This will open your Gmail inbox if you’re logged in; enter your email address

and password when prompted.

Step 2 : Click+ compose. It ‘s in the upper-left side of your Gmail inbox . Doing so opens a “New Message” window   the lower –right  corner of the page.


If you‘re using the old version of Gmail, you ‘II click compose here instead.


Sunday, December 6, 2020

word processing programs

Introduction  of LibreOffice 


If is the word processor application for LibreOffice . It  similar to programs such as Microsoft Word, Abiwod , Jatre Word processor, etc. Writer allows you to create anything from letters to complex couments with embedded illustrations and bibliographies. Auto spell checking and auto – completion  make word processing much more convenient. Unlike Microsoft Word , Writer mostly detects spelling  errors and fails to detect syntactical  errors.    


LibreOffice  performs remarkably  well. The key differences between Microsoft  Office and LibreOffice are the user interface and quality of the services. As You can see both the eindow LibreOffice Writer    and MS word. You will findthat both the window  are similar in appearance as you can see the in the winsow given below:



The primary objective of Word processing is to enable you , the students, to create and edit documents. This is the word precessing component, and it allows you to type  whatever you want and save it  to view ofr edit later. These  saved files can also ve sent to another person, who can view it wither own word processing software.


Word processing Basics-

The ribbon user interface in Microsoft office makes it easier to navigate through the features. On the  other hand, LibreOffice’s appearance is more archaic and resembles  that of older office suites such as Microsoft Office 2003  and older. As you can see in the images below:

OpeningWord Processing package

LibreOffice  writer is a word processing package. It is freeof cost and Iicence free. It is good alternating for Microsoft  office suit.You can download  the LivreOffice suite from the official LibreOffice 


website   https//




Saturday, December 5, 2020

introduction to linux operating system

introduction to linux operating system



1)......Introduction ifjp;


Operating systems relating to windows family are based on Graphical User Interface (GUI) and  can be used on a desktop computer  \Network \. Windows 9x   refers to three  operating systems like windows .95 windows 98 . and windows ME. Windows 95 is now not in use . Windows 98 was  released in the year 1998 . . It was enhanced version of windows 95 . Another Version of windows called windows ME .was released in the year 2000 and then After Windows XP . Window Vista , Windows 7, and then windows 8 and Now windows Family has released its latest version of windows is windows 10.xp


2)...OBJECTIVE mns’; s


In this chapter we will discuss about Operating System, Types of operating system , casics of popular operating system (Linux, windows ) , user interface, task bar m, icons , Start  Menu, Running an Application , operating system simple setting , changing mouse  properties, adding and removing printers, file and directory management,  


3)....Operating System vk¡ijsfVx flLVe

 Microsoft has successfully dominated the personal computer operating  system tor decades and its latest version, Windows 10 , looks likely to hold this market control. .it was known as doorstep when it was being developed and announced at a press event on 30 September  2014.

This os is designed to provide a common, “universal” user interface between desktop, laptop, and all -in-one PCS , tablet computers, smart  phones, and emvedded systems such as its xbox game console. Windows 10 introduced Universal Windows Platform for the development of these universal apps.



Wednesday, December 2, 2020

computer short cut key 2020


short cut key


creat  the New document


open the existing Document


save the current document


save as


Print Preview


print the current document

ctrl+w and alt+f4

close or Exit the current document



Home Tab










paste special


format  painter (copu the formatting

ctrl+shift+ v

fprmat painter


font style of face

ctrl+dhift+  p


ctrl+shift+> and ctrl+ }

increase the font size  and Grow font

ctrl+shift + < and ctrl+ {

Decrease the font size  and  Shrink font







ctrl+shift +    d

douvle Underline

ctrl+shift +W

Word wise underline

ctrl+shift ++


ctrl+shift+   =


shift +f3

change case


Apply the upper case


Apply the small caps formaatting

ctrl+shift +*

Paragraph Mark


Left Alignment


Right Alignment


center Alignment


Justify Alignment


One line space between lines

ctrl+ 5

1.5 line space between lines

ctrl+ 2

Two line space between  lines

ctrl+ 0

Add or remove line space between lines


Increase the naragranh indent

ctrl+shift +M

Decrease the paragraph indent


Find the Text


replace the text

Alt +  ctrl + Y

Repeat  find (afte closing find and replace window



ctrl +A

Select all

shift+Left of Right arrow key

select the one character

shift +Up of Down arrow key

select one line

ctrl +shift +Lift  or Right  arrow key

select the one word

ctrl +shift +UP or Down arrow key

select the Paragraph


Define a new Multilevel List

ctrl +D






Alt +ctrl +shift (Right) +S

O[em the formatting pane




Computer help

नोटबंदी 2023: लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले एक और 'नोटबंदी', 2000 के नोट सर्कुलेशन से बाहर

नोटबंदी 2023: लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले एक और 'नोटबंदी', 2000 के नोट सर्कुलेशन से बाहर     नियामक : अधिकारी का कहना है कि लोगों को घबराहट...