Saturday, August 14, 2021

html information with coding

What is HTML5?

HTML  stand for Hyper Text Markup Language,

It is easy and fun to learn.


dhtml introduction

HTML describes the structure of web pages. 

HTML5 is the fifth and current major version of the HTML standard. 

dhtml introduction

 Why Learn HTML?

It is essential to  learn HTML if you want to  build  web sites. You   can’s build one if you don’t one of the prerequisite states in learning other languages used for web development

 html tags list with example pdf

Try it yourself

For you to learn faster and see how our examples would actually look like similarly on al real browser we have implemented simple

Try it Your self 

 html tags list with example pdf

Editor  with syntax with the   example codes given.

html web pages examples with source  code 


Input type




Example Eexplained

<!DO type html> This declares the document type which is HTML  5

html web pages examples with source  code 

<html>:   this element encloses everything inside it includes tags.  Elements. Style  sheets.   Scripts,   text, multimedia and a  lot more

<head>;   this element encloses the metadata of  a  document which will not  be displayed  on the main content of a web  page;  this could include style sheets. Scripts.

<title>; <meta> ; tags and  a lot more

<title>; This element  defines the of  a web page. It appears  on the upper-part of a browser

<body>; this element encloses elements like <h1>;<p>; <img>; <b> ; <i> and a lot more

<h1>; this element defines a heading

<P> ; this element defines a paragraph

HTML   Tags

HTML Tags are element names surrounded by  angle brackets.


We  start and tags. Look at the example below.

Input  Types

Output types

Start Tag and End tag

Ø Start tage-also called “opening a tag” <p>

Ø End tag -  also called “ ending a tag” </p>

This is the basic structure of any HTML . page Memorize them!

HTML  Editors

Where can I  edit/ create HTML files?

In  a text editor! Creating HTML  files is free  your don’t need to download expensive  applications  to  do so .html web pages examples with source  code 


·      Look at the list below for some  free apps You could use to edit HTML  files.

·      Notepad

Notepad | Online Notes free, no login required - RapidTables

·      Notepad++

Downloads | Notepad++ 

·      Text Edit

·      Sublime Text Editor

·      VIM

·      ATOM


·      Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined

·      Brackets

·      Quoda (Android App)

Quoda Code Editor – Apps on Google Play

·      Quick Edit (Android app)

·      Droid Edit (Android app)

·      HTML Edit (Android app)

·      Decoder  (Android app)

·      This app !  We have a micro code –editor with syntax highlighting and can sae and open HTML files.


Those are the most commonly used text deitor for creating html files. You can download any application you  want.


Saving HTML files

You need to save your HTML files with the . html file extension for Example.



If you don’t saveyour files with the .html. file  extension, You won’t be able to  run it on  browsers.html web pages examples with source  code 


Lets try it by following these steps;

1. Click the TRY  IT YOURSELF  button  above.

html web pages examples with source  code 

2. Click the menu icon on the upper  -right corner .

3. Click  SAVE AS.

4. Type mywebpage.html on the  provided  field.

5. Click  SAVE.

Just as  easy as   that,  you  HTML file is  saved.


dhtml introduction

dhtml coding

dhtml in web technology

html computer programming

html tags list with example pdf

html web pages examples with source  code 

  html tags and attri

w3schbutesools html tags.

html code for website 


HTML  reference - W3school.

introduction of internet and www

  • introduction of internet and www


Introduction of Internet & WWW

introduction of internet and www in hindi


The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide.

introduction of internet and www in hindi

In is a networks of that consists of private , Public ,academy, Business, and government network os local to global scope, Linked by a broad array of

Information wireless,  and optical networking  technologyintroduction of internet www and web browser

The  Internet  carries. Vast range of 

Introduction of Internet & WWW


In this  chapter  we will discuss about basics of computer Networks,  Local Area Network (LAN)

Wide Area Network 

introduction of internet www and web browser

Internet concept of Internet Architecture, Services on

Internet, World Wide We and Websites Communication on Internet’’,

introduction of internet www and web browser

Type of networking

1.  Bided Transmission  media   … Wired  (Twisted pair cable. Coaxial   cables  fiber –optic cables ) and f  Wireless (

Radio. Microwave,  Infrared , Satellite)

2.  Based on network size…LAN , MAN,WAN ,

3.  Based on  Management  method…  Peer  to peer  and  client/  server

4.  Based o  Topology (connectivity)  Bus Star , Ring  Tree

Network Based on  size…… There d are king of network divided on the basis of size like a  network  within building of 

·      capes in  known as local Area Network and the network which serves entire globeis  known as Wide area network



Basically Network is   divided  into three parts accordingtob the Size…

·      LAN (Local Area Network )

·      Man (Metropolitan Area Network)

·      WAN( Wide area Network )


Local Area network (LAN)

A  local Area network(LAN) is a computer network that interconnects computer swath ii a lilted area such as a  residence, school,  Laboratory, or office building. introduction of internet and www

Alan  may  be  wired , wireless, or a combination of the wet


 A Standard wired land uses Ethernet to  connect devices  to Goethe,



Characteristics of ( LAN)

·      Coverage area is  generally few kilometers 

vUsing different dedicated transmission medium you can achieve the transmission rate of 1 MB /s to 100

introduction of internet and www

vIn LAN you can run the multiple devices to share a transmission medium LAN

vYou can  us4e the different topology making\only  buys and ring in

vThe  communication quality is better in  the transmission error  rate  are low as compare to WAN

introduction of internet and www

vA LAN  usually has low cost installation expansion and maintenances and Land  instars all action is relatively  simple  good scalability.

  1. introduction of internet banking in india

Metropolitan area  network  is  a  network  that interconnects user with computer resources in a geographic area or  region Larger than  that covered  by even a  large local area network (LAN)

Smaller   than the  area  covered  by a   wide  area network (  WAN)  

Advantages of MAN

The biggest advantage is   the bandwidth of the connection links, that means

introduction of internet and www resources shared on the  network can be accessed extremely quickly. introduction of internet and www

Wide Area network (WAN)


        The network which is  spread over the glob and coer sentire world , Is  facilitatedto acoputer by Internet service providers.

It is biggest network across the world in  that  each computer Is commectedc and shareaor access the data and information 

introduction of internet and www in hindi

introduction of internet www and web browser

introduction of internet and www

introduction of internet addiction

introduction of internet and www

introduction of internet advertising

introduction of internet and email

introduction of internet and intranet

introduction of internet banking

introduction of internet banking in india

introduction of internet business

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introduction of internet browsers

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introduction of internet www and web browser’’

introduction of internet and www’

introduction of internet addiction

introduction of internet and its applications

introduction of internet advertising

introduction of internet and email

introduction of internet and intranet

introduction of internet banking

introduction of internet banking in india

introduction of internet business

introduction of internet banking in sri lanka

introduction of internet banking in hindi

introduction of internet browsers

introduction of internet cafe business plan

Saturday, August 7, 2021

cpu full information in hindi CPU central processing Unit



Central processing Unit

The CPU stand for central processing unit, is the heart and brain of a computer. CPU term is  Also known as a  central processor, or chip. The central Processing Unit (CPU) is

cpu full information in hindi

the unit which performs most of  the  processing inside  computer

All functions and process that are done on a computer are Performers directly of indirectly   by the processor.

The  two typical components of  a CPU include the following;

The firs one is arithmetic logic unit (ALU) . which performs arithmetic and logical operations.  The second one is control unit (CU) .

Which extracts instructions from memory  . decodes and executes  them, calling on the ALU when necessary.


Input devise  Information

An input device accepts the input from the user.

There are many kinds of input devices like Keyboard, Mouse etc.

cpu full information in hindi

There are mainly 3 functions of input device are as follows.

Input Devices

Any  instruction and data can beer providing to computer through input deice and computer process there instructions.


The keyboard looks like a typewriter. Kind of input device.

The dharactrerstic of Key Board are;

It contains all the letters of the alphabet, numbers and some special symbols.

v   It is operates like a typewriter keypad , buty instyeasd of moving an arm,

v    which strikes the paper, it sends and electronic impulse to the compute,


  On key press it sends a code (ASCII)   (American Standard code for  Information Interchange))


 It is a device that  is usede to control the computer. Kind of   Input device. The characteristics of mouse are;

v   A cable   connects the mouse to the computer. When the mouse is moved on a  pad  the cursor moves on the screen

v   It is point & click  With two Buttons   and wheel. Normally  Left Click for Select / Run and righty Click to generated Menu

Ø Scanner

Ø Track Ball

Ø Joystick

Ø Light pen


Ø Microphone

Ø Bar Code Reader

Output Devices

Output Devices gi8ve ;result eitherintgharedeor soft from . The devices s  within are used to display

full information about cpu


 the data to the user either in the form of

hard copy or soft  clop are called output  device

The example of output  devices are screen




This is o an outputs device. Sather are tow topes of the soft  

 output device d]

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Outputted deice of   egg visuals output devices.

 VDU Is a is    soft Output   device and dosed for the getting fo sty visual output on  screen.  It measured    diagonally  

cpu all parts details

 from one cornea of the screen o the opposite corner


A printer is ans ouput device that prints text documents images, spread

 sheet etx as hard copy Printer’s quality is measured in dot per inch (DPI)

The two typed printer

§  Impact Printer

§  Dot matrix printer

Computer Memory and storage

It is an  internet storage area in  the  computer System.

 The  term Memory is used for physical memory,

Which refers to other  actual  chips capable of holding data

There is  also  a biretta memory

Which expands phuysixl  Memory  onto a hard disk 

There are two types of memory  use  in c





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Computer help

नोटबंदी 2023: लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले एक और 'नोटबंदी', 2000 के नोट सर्कुलेशन से बाहर

नोटबंदी 2023: लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले एक और 'नोटबंदी', 2000 के नोट सर्कुलेशन से बाहर     नियामक : अधिकारी का कहना है कि लोगों को घबराहट...