Shortcut keys for Libra office Writer
Ctrl+ A…… Select Allsshivom
Ctrl+A……Creates a new document
Ctrl+A…… Open a document.
Shift+ctrl+O……Print preview
Ctrl+S…..Saes the current document
Shift+Crtl+s………Save as a copy of other location.
Ctrl+P…… Prints the cocument.
Ctrl+Q …..Exit the Libreoffice Application.
Ctrl+X….. Cut the selected item.
ctrl +V…paste from the clipbord.
Ctrl+K ….. Hyperlink
Crtl+z …Undoes last acton
Shift+ctrl+V……Open the paste special dialog box.
Ctrl+Y…. Redoes last action
Shift+ctrl+Y… Repeat an action
Crtl+F ……find
Ctrl+G….go to page
Ctrl+L…..Align Left
Ctrl+R….Aling right
Ctrl+i….Used to Itelic the selected word.
Ctrl+B…. used to [Bold the selected word.
Ctrl+U……. used to underlines to the selected area.
ctrlO+shift+F….Searches for the last Shift+Arrow Left …..Movecursor with selection to the left
entered search teum
ctrl+shift+J……Fullscreen mode and normal mode in Libreoffice Writer \calc.
Alt+Enter…….Inseringa new paragraph directly before of after a section or or before a table.
Arrow Left …..Move cursor to left
Ctrl+Arrow Left … Go to beginning of wored
CTrl+shift+Arrow… left Selecting to the left word by word
Arrow Right …..Move cursor to right
Shift+Arrow right….Move curso with selection to tlhe right
Ctrl+Arrow Right….Go to start of nest word
Ctrl+shift+Arrow Right……Selecting to the right word by word
Arrow +Right….. Move cursor to right
Shift+Arrow Righty…. Moe cursor with selection to the right
Ctrl +Arrow Up ….Move cursor to beginning of the previous paragraph
Arrow Up ….. Move cursor up one line
Home…. Go to beginning of line
Hoem+shift ….Go and select to the beginning of a line
End……Go to end of line
End+Shift … Go and selecty to end of line
Ctrl+Home…Go to start of document
Ctrl+Home+Shift… Go and select text to start of document
Ctrl+End…. Go to end of document
Ctrl++….calculation option
Ctrl+Alt+E…. Extension manager
F1….Libra office help
F2 …Formula Bar
Ctrl+F2….Insert Fields
F3…Compet auto Text
Ctrl+F3….auto text
F4….Open Data Source View
Shift+F7 ….Automatic Spell lChecking
Ctrl+F8…Field shading on \off
Shift+8….Additional Spell checking
Ctrl+shift+f8….Block selection mode
F9…..field names
Ctrl+f9….fhow fields
Shift+f9…calculate Table
Ctrl+shift+f9….Update input fields and input lists
Ctrl+f10….formattin marks
F11….manage style
Shift+f11….creat new style
Ctrl+f11…sets focus to apply style box
Ctrl+shift+f11…Update style
F12… Numbering on
Ctrl+12…Insert or edit Table
Shift+f12…Bullets on
Alt+F12 Option libreoffice user data
Ctrl+Shift+f12….Numbering \Bullets off
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