HTML colors
HTML colors define colors that we see on a web
HTML background color codes
In this lesson we will
use lnline styling with css properties color and background colors
To hange the text color and /or background color of
HTML Elements.
HTML colors can be defined using the following .
Color defines
any valid color by its color name e.g.
White. Black .
Hex color
value .Or Hexadecimal color value. It defines any valid color
by a haseh followed y letters and / or
numbers e.g. #ffffff.
RGB color value.RGB stands for Red. Green , blue
It defines any valid
color by this format “rgb<(number number number)” e.g. rgb (255,255,255,), rgb.(0,0,0)
The numbers represent the intensity of the red,
green and blue colors in that particular
Coding input
Most ommon HTML color
white |
#ffffff |
silver |
#Cococo |
Gray |
#808080 |
Black |
#0000000 |
Red |
#ff0000 |
Maroon |
#800000 |
Yellow |
#ffff00 |
Olive |
#8080000 |
Lime |
#00ff00 |
Green |
#008000 |
Aqua |
#00ffff |
Teal |
#008080 |
Blue |
#0000ff |
Fuchsia |
#ff00ff |
Purple |
#800080 |
As text
<span style="color:
<!-- Text goes here.-->
As Bakground
<div style="background:
<!-- ontent goes here.-->
Background color in css
background color codes
HTML background color codes
How to change background color in css
HTML color
HTML background color codes
HTML color from image
HTML background color tag
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