Saturday, July 24, 2021

Important computer Information 


Important computer Information


Access time … Access time means the performance of a hard drive or other storage device- how   long it takes to locate a file.

Alert,  … A message that appears on screen, usually to tell you something went wrong .

Bit…. The smallest  piece of information used by the compute. It used to derive from “  binary digit

Application …. Application is another tern for software program basically a program you use on a computer which manages the computer boot process.

BIOS……Basic input /  output system. The is term is used to fever to ROM. RAM BIOS   chip inside the computer which manages the computer boot up process.

Backup .. A copy of a document /file makes for documentation purposes for future use.

Boot …. To start   up a computer.

Bug….It is a programming error that causes a program to be ha in an unexpected way.

Bus …. Bus is an electronic pathway through which data is transmitted between components in a computer .

Burn …. It is a process CD. Or DVD means to write data files to it using a special piece of hardware

Command The act of giving an instruction to your Mac ether by menu l choice or keystroke.

Compiler …. A   program the convert programming code in to a   From that can be used by a computer.

Control panel……  A program that alloys s you to change setting in a program or change the way a  Mac looks and /or /behaves.

CMOS… a type of computer   chip operate with a very small layout of electricity from a battery.

CPU…. Central Processing Unit, the processor “brain “   of the computer

Cursor… A pointer,   Which is controlled by the mouse. O

BIOS … It is an electronic list of information that can be sorted and / or searched.

Digitize… To convert linear/ analog data into digital data this can be used by the computer.

Disk   drive ….. The machinery   that writes the data from a  a disk and writes data compression, runs over telephone lines.

Ethernet …. It is a protocol for high-speed communication and file transfer across a network.

DSL…. Digital Subscriber line lis a type of high speed data compression runs over telephone llines.

Folder…. An  electronic subdirectory which contains files.

Hard Drive …. Hard drive is a central storage space for your computer which defines as C/D/E drive.

Highlight……. To select  by clicking once one an icon/file/folder /text / document.

Icon…. It is graphic symbol used for file or folder.

Installer…. Installer is software used to install a program on your hard drive.

IP  Address ……IP means Internet Protocol addresses, assigned to each and every computer on a TCP/IP network.


ISP… (Internet Service Provider) the is would be the company that provides your internet access.




Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Keyboard and Mouse shortcuts

Keyboard and Mouse shortcuts


Landscape ……It is a printing from under  page layout; it used to print sideqays on the page.

Menu ….. A list of program commands  listed by topic. keyboard and mouse shortcuts for mac

Menu bar …A horizontal bar across the top of the scrren. shortcut key for hp laptop touchpad





Mother Board … the green boars insided of a computer that allows all  of the iternal computer components to interact, It routes data to and from all the other parts, of computer.

NIC…. Network Interface Cars. This is a part of the computer that allwes it to talk to other computers (aks. a network ) raid a network “protocol” or language like type/ip. keyboard shortcuts mouse wheel

OPTICAL DISK….A high-capacity storage medium that is read by a laser light. keyboard shortcut mouse move

OPERATING SYSTEM….It is system software that controls the computer. The operating systems are Window 98.Windows XP , Windows Vista, Linux, Unix, and  apple’s Mac OS X leopard.

PERIPHERALS… An add – on component to your computer like printers, mice, keyboards. Scanners, monitor, etc. keyboard shortcut mouse pointer

PROCESSOR CHIP …  This is the ban of the computer which does all there calculation s and tyask processing fore exaple’ILntel”chip

RAM… Random

Access Memoryu. It is the memory that allows uyou to hold and run a pr9ogram.

REste switch … It is switc used to restarts the computer.


ROM readOnly Memory that can be accessed and read, buyt not written to.;

SCROLL BAR….A bar at the bottom contains the scroll box and allows scrolling.

RESET SWITCH ….It is switch used to restarts the computer. 

ROM…. Read Only Memory that can be accessed and read, but not written to.

SERVER … A machine dedicated to sending and receiving data from other computer (on a network).

SOFTWARE ……Software is files that contain instructions b for a computer.

TCP/IP….Transmissinon control Protocol and Interne Protocol on which the internet run.

TITLE BAR …. The horizontal bar at the top of a window which the intyernet runkeyboard shortcuts mouse padv



Friday, July 16, 2021

लिब्रे ऑफिस की शॉर्टकट कुंजियाँ

Shortcut Keys of Libreoffice


File menu

New …ctrl+N


Save As …ctrl+shift+S


Print Preview …Ctrl+shift+O


Exit ….ctrl+Q

Edit Menu


Redo ctrl+y

Repeat ….ctrl+shift+Y

Cut …ctrl+X


Paste ….ctrl+V

Select All….ctrl+A


Find&replace ……ctrl+H

Go topage ctrl+G

Paste Special …ctrl+shift+V

Paste unformatted Text ….ctrl+Alt +shift+V

View Menu

Formatting Marks …ctrl+f10

Field shadding Ctrl+f8

Field names ….ctrl+f9

Side bar…..ctrl+f5

Styles ….f11


Data Sources …ctrl+shift+f4

Full  Screen ctrl+shift+j



Insert Menu

Page Break….ctrl+Enter

Comment …ctrl+alt+c


NonBreaking Space…ctrl+Shift+space

Format Menu





Double Underline…. Ctrl+D

Superscript ….ctrl+shift+P


Increase Size……….Ctrl+]

Decrease Size  …..ctrl+[

Cycle Case  …shift+f3

Clear Direct Formatting …..ctrl+M

Left Alignment……ctrl+L

Right Alignment…Ctrl+R

Center Alignment ….ctrl+E

Justify Alignment ….ctrl+J

Bulleted List …shift+f12

Numbered List ….f12

Move down …ctrl+alt+down

Moe  up….ctrl+alt+up

Styles Menu




New Style…shift+f11

Manage Style ….f11

Update Style….ctrl+shift+f11

Table menu

Insert Table ….Ctrl+f12

Formula ….f2

Tools menu

Spelling ….f7

Automatic Spell  Checkinhg …..Shift+f7

Thesaurus ….ctrl+f7

Auto Text….ctrl+f3

Extension Manager…ctrl+Alt+E

Window Menu

Close window …..ctrl+W

Help Menu


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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Shortcut keys for Libra office Writerc

Shortcut keys for Libra office Writer

Ctrl+ A…… Select Allsshivom

Ctrl+A……Creates a new document

Ctrl+A…… Open a document.    

Shift+ctrl+O……Print preview

Ctrl+S…..Saes the current document

Shift+Crtl+s………Save as a copy of other location.

Ctrl+P…… Prints the cocument.

Ctrl+Q …..Exit the Libreoffice Application.

Ctrl+X….. Cut the selected item.

ctrl +V…paste from the clipbord.

Ctrl+K ….. Hyperlink

Crtl+z …Undoes last acton

Shift+ctrl+V……Open the paste special dialog box.

Ctrl+Y…. Redoes last action

Shift+ctrl+Y… Repeat an action

Crtl+F ……find


Ctrl+G….go to page


Ctrl+L…..Align Left

Ctrl+R….Aling right

Ctrl+i….Used to Itelic the selected word.

Ctrl+B…. used to [Bold the   selected word.

Ctrl+U……. used to underlines to the selected area.

ctrlO+shift+F….Searches for the last Shift+Arrow Left …..Movecursor with selection to the left

entered search teum

ctrl+shift+J……Fullscreen mode and normal mode in Libreoffice Writer \calc.

Alt+Enter…….Inseringa new paragraph directly before of after a section or or before a table.

Arrow Left …..Move cursor to left

Ctrl+Arrow Left … Go to beginning of wored

CTrl+shift+Arrow… left Selecting to the left word by word

Arrow Right …..Move cursor to right

Shift+Arrow right….Move curso with selection to tlhe right

Ctrl+Arrow Right….Go to start of nest word

Ctrl+shift+Arrow Right……Selecting to the right word by word

Arrow +Right….. Move cursor to right

Shift+Arrow Righty…. Moe cursor with selection to the right

Ctrl +Arrow Up  ….Move cursor to beginning of the previous paragraph

Arrow Up  ….. Move cursor up one line  

Home…. Go to beginning of line

Hoem+shift  ….Go and select  to the beginning of a line

End……Go to end of line

End+Shift … Go and selecty to end of line

Ctrl+Home…Go to start of document

Ctrl+Home+Shift… Go and select text to start of document

Ctrl+End…. Go to end of document

Ctrl++….calculation option

Ctrl+Alt+E…. Extension manager

F1….Libra office help

F2 …Formula Bar

Ctrl+F2….Insert Fields

F3…Compet auto Text

Ctrl+F3….auto  text

F4….Open Data Source View

Shift+F7 ….Automatic Spell lChecking

Ctrl+F8…Field shading on \off

Shift+8….Additional Spell checking

Ctrl+shift+f8….Block selection mode

F9…..field names

Ctrl+f9….fhow fields

Shift+f9…calculate Table

Ctrl+shift+f9….Update input fields and input lists

Ctrl+f10….formattin marks

F11….manage style

Shift+f11….creat new style

Ctrl+f11…sets focus to apply style box

Ctrl+shift+f11…Update style

F12… Numbering on

Ctrl+12…Insert or edit Table

Shift+f12…Bullets on

Alt+F12 Option libreoffice user data

Ctrl+Shift+f12….Numbering \Bullets off




Saturday, July 10, 2021



A file has two parts. The first is name of file and the second is extension of file. Name is option and usually given by the -user but   some time it may use with default name. But extension defines the file . type. Fore example content marketing strategy

Resume. Doc file is a dcoument file.

Some file Extension used in Window are gien in the table beed

All extension file type


An is  text  file


Stores basic alphanumeric text and symbols, as  defined by the ANSI standers.


Rich text format  




TRF is a standard   created by Microsoft for establishing document formatting. Witham Rat m, You   can designate font formatting , paragraph properties, and page layout  elements.


HTML file



HTML file for viewing in web browsers.


.bmp Bitmap graphic

  • Standard  bitmapped format for storing graphic. High Quality, but high  file size.






Computer help

नोटबंदी 2023: लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले एक और 'नोटबंदी', 2000 के नोट सर्कुलेशन से बाहर

नोटबंदी 2023: लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले एक और 'नोटबंदी', 2000 के नोट सर्कुलेशन से बाहर     नियामक : अधिकारी का कहना है कि लोगों को घबराहट...